The following questions and responses have been developed in response to queries
raised following the publication of the SpLD Working Group 2005/DfES Guidelines.
A Practising Certificate is one which recognises not only professional achievement but also a commitment to continuing professional development (CPD). Practising Certificates have to be renewed on a regular basis. Therefore those wishing to hold or renew a Practising Certificate will be required to demonstrate this commitment by showing how they have regularly updated their professional skills and competence through study, professional discussion, training and practice. [The Practising Certificate for Specialist Teachers should not be confused with the Practising Certificate issued by the British Psychological Society to Chartered Psychologists. See also Questions 3 & 4 below] |
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In recent years the demand for diagnostic assessments of specific learning difficulties has grown considerably. Assessments are increasingly needed for specific purposes such as determining the right to Access Arrangements in examinations and the eligibility for the Disabled Student Allowances. As the demand for assessments has grown, more professionals with qualifications in assessment of specific learning difficulties either as psychologists or as specialist teachers have become involved in this field. As a result of this, pressure for effective monitoring of standards in assessment has grown – both from those bodies such as the DfES or the Joint Council who use assessment reports to make important decisions and from within the professions themselves. The DfES was responsible for setting up a working group to consider the whole question of assessments for eligibility for the Disabled Student Allowances and as many specialist teachers and psychologists are aware this working group has produced useful guidance, for example, on procedures, the choice of tests and the format of assessment reports for this particular purpose. In addition the working group recognised and emphasised in its report the need for some means of monitoring the quality of assessments, not on a case-by-case basis, but by ensuring that assessments were carried out by people who possessed requisite knowledge and skills to do the job to the highest professional standards. The quality of an assessment and subsequent report depends primarily on the knowledge and skills of the assessor rather than the selection of tests used. It is from this set of circumstances that the impetus has come for a Practising Certificate in Assessment which: encourages continuing professional development in the skills of assessment recognises and awards these skills is valid for a set period of time only and then will need to be renewed provides a focus for training to enable specialist teachers to achieve the requisite skills |
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No. The SpLD Assessment Practising Certificate, issued by Patoss and Dyslexia Action, is for specialist teachers who have followed an identified course of study and can demonstrate their knowledge and competence in both Specific Learning Difficulties and assessment. |
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The SpLD Assessment Practising Certificate for Specialist Teachers has no links to the Practising Certificate for Chartered Psychologists issued by the British Psychological Society. The BPS is no longer overseeing psychologists' practice. Psychologists must now be registered as a practitioner psychologist with the Health Care and Professions Council. |
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The CCET Level A is a competency based award relating to the use of assessment in educational settings which fulfils the first component of the requirement for the Specialist Teacher SpLD Assessment Practising Certificate. Those who hold the CCET Level A certificate are also fully competent to carry out a number of assessments in more general educational settings. To acquire the SpLD certificate a holder of CCET Level A would also have to demonstrate that they had either undertaken training in specific learning difficulties or can provide comparable evidence that they currently have the required knowledge and skills from their professional practice. The SpLD training and knowledge base should be equivalent to that required for BDA Approved Teacher Status (ATS) training. |
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These guidelines relate to both psychologists and specialist teachers who are providing a report for a student as part of an application for the Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSAs). There is professional choice as to the assessment tools to be used. A report template is given and adhering to this will assist awards officers in decision making. Please also refer to Question 11, below. |
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You will need a Practising Certificate from academic year in order for a diagnostic assessment you produce to be used as evidence for DSA allowances. You are now able to apply for a Practising Certificate from Patoss, BDA or Dyslexia Action. The recommendations of the SpLD Working Group 2005/DfES Guidelines were phased in over the following three years. The following schedule indicates dates for implementing specific elements of the framework described in that report. Diagnostic reports written prior to the dates shown in the table below should comply with 2004/05 DfES Guidance, but could use the recommended format and suggested tests. |
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You must either hold a qualification meeting the requirements for AMBDA or the equivalent. These qualifications are listed on the BDA , Patoss and Dyslexia Action websites (,, and hold a qualification meeting the requirements for ATS and either the BPS CCET Level A or a SASC approved course. Be able to demonstrate through a portfolio of evidence relating to your current practice that you meet all the knowledge and competence requirements which would be incorporated in the above courses. All of these qualifications require evidence of observed practical application of skills in teaching and assessment. Candidates do not need QTS to apply for a Patoss Practising Certificate. The different routes to achieving a Practising Certificate, depending on the applicant’s prior training and experience, are explained in the Patoss Guidance on Training for a Practising Certificate [Patoss website – Practising Certificates] and on Dyslexia Action’ website - Practising Certificates. |
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Many agencies already provide training – universities, colleges, awarding bodies - will be able to modify or develop their existing programmes as well as devise new courses in order to meet the requirements of the Practising Certificate. Many have already expressed an interest in so doing. BDA, through the BDA Accreditation Board, working closely together with SASC, will be responsible for approving such courses.New courses are being developed to train candidates with ATS level training in SpLD to extend their skills to encompass diagnostic assessment (Route 3). This includes The Certificate of Competency in Educational Testing Level A accredited by the BPS. These courses are approved by SASC and will be listed on the Patoss, BPS and Dyslexia Action websites.The amount of training needed to meet the requirements of the Practising Certificate will depend on the route which each candidate is taking. |
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The report format offered is a guideline. To assist awards officers in local authorities it is required that the general format is adhered to. It is not envisaged that reports should be over long. Rather they should contain pertinent information including a clear explanation of test performance and the deductions derived from the assessment. A concluding summary will greatly assist local authority awards officers. |
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The use of the DAST will not disadvantage a candidate’s application for the DSAs. The DAST is a valuable screening instrument which offers information as to the possibility of a candidate experiencing dyslexic difficulties. Results from the DAST cannot, however, be offered as a diagnosis of dyslexia. Assessors may choose to use sub-tests diagnostically to indicate an area of particular difficulty. |
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There are few assessment tools available for use in educational settings with the adult population in the UK. It is agreed that the use of USA norms per se is not appropriate and this should be clearly explained to test takers. It should also be stated within a report that results are only an indication of performance. The diagnostic information obtained from the use of these instruments, however, can be of great value. |
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There is a flow chart contained within the DfES Guidelines which allows you to ascertain as to whether you have appropriate accredited prior learning, APL. This will include training in assessment and specific learning difficulties and/or eligibility for AMBDA, Associate Membership of the British Dyslexia Association. Appropriate training in both assessment and specific learning difficulties is available from a number of sources and relevant information may be found on the websites of the British Psychological Society,, Patoss, |
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Yes, the SpLD Assessment Practising Certificate is recognised by the JCQ as an approved qualification accepted for the provision of reports and evidence for candidates requiring Access Arrangements for examinations and assessments by Specialist Teachers. |
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Yes. The SpLD Assessment Practising Certificate is based on AMBDA approved training as well as new training provision specifically aimed at developing skills in SpLD assessment in an educational setting, in line with DfES SpLD Guidance. It will allow practitioners to undertake assessments for Further Education funding streams as well as for DSA funding. |
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Yes, from academic year 2007/08 a Practising Certificate in SpLD Assessment will be required by the DfES for those carrying out diagnostic assessments for DSA. |
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No. Only those qualifications which have been accredited by Dyslexia Action, Patoss and BDA Accreditation Board will qualify holders for a Practising Certificate. Currently those qualifications suitable for AMBDA meet these criteria. In the future courses specifically designed to train specialist teachers in SpLD assessment will also be accredited by SASC as noted in Route 3. You can apply via Route 2 (Application Based on APL/APE) to have your prior training/experience accredited for a Practising Certificate. [See guidance notes Guidance Notes -Training for a Practising Certificate in SpLD Assessment]. Dyslexia Action will post further details on how to apply through route 2 on its website early in 2008 |
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No, but you can apply via Route 2 (Application Based on APL/APE) to have your prior training/experience accredited for a Practising Certificate. [See guidance notes Guidance Notes -Training for a Practising Certificate in SpLD Assessment]. Dyslexia Action will post further details on how to apply through route 2 on its website early 2008. |
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See guidance from your PC awarding body for Guidance on Training and Application for a Practising Certificate based on APL/APE. |
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Your application with relevant documentation and video/dvd evidence must be received in the by the awarding institution by the first of the month at least one month prior to the review committee meeting. For Patoss the committee meets in September, November; February; and June. Dyslexia Action will post details of its process and costs for processing applications via Route 2 on its website in 2008. |
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Professionals other than specialist teachers (psychologists, Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists) wishing to gain the Practising Certificate in SpLD Assessment would need to provide evidence of training in SpLD teaching for this educational role to obtain a PC from Patoss or Dyslexia Action. These professionals would have been trained in psychometric testing and assessment reporting as part of their occupational training. Those wishing to receive a PC must meet the knowledge, competence and evidence required by the issuing organisation. There are currently 2 organisations issuing Practising Certificates in this area of SpLD assessment, Patoss and Dyslexia Action. However, there is no exclusivity intended. Other organisations who fulfil the criteria established by the National Committee for Standards in SpLD Assessment Training and Practice [SASC] could also issue Practising Certificates. |
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No. While the first units of CCOT and CCET are similar in that they are about theory and statistics. However, from then on each is contextual with the CCOT having no relation to educational settings. |
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Yes. Dyslexia Action, Patoss and the British Dyslexia Association are currently offering such certificates for specialist teachers. You must belong to one of these organisations to get a Practising Certificate from them. And you must maintain your membership throughout the 3 year issue period to maintain validity of your Certificate. |
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CPD may take place through study, professional discussion, training and practice. It is important to maintain logs containing evidence of ongoing learning and practice in order to build up a CPD portfolio. Check with your Practising Certificate awarding body for details of their requirements. Evidence may include:records of practical experience (e.g. recent assessment reports; evidence of advice and guidance given to students, parents and other professionals), records of correct use of up-to-date materials records of attendance on relevant courses,records of attendance at conferences/ day courses witness statements, records of reading relevant to assessment records of self-evaluation and reflection on practice. [Top] |
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The demand for a Practising Certificate in Assessment has come from the particular set of circumstances described above. However, this is a part of wider picture. The concept of continuing professional development (CPD) is increasingly so important that regulatory bodies, for example the Health Professions Council, are being established to monitor standards within different areas of expertise in order to ensure that professionals have a commitment to maintaining standards of proficiency and regularly updating their skills. (Speech and Language Therapists are amongst the 12 professions who may currently register with the Health Professions Council).As part of this wider picture it is quite possible that a Practising Certificate in SpLD Teaching may be not too far ahead in the future.A further important point regarding the relationship between teaching and assessment is that assessment is not conducted in a vacuum. The skills and knowledge required for SpLD assessment build on a sound knowledge of normal litercy and numeracy development, of appropriate teaching techniques and available resources. |
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SASC is the National Committee for SpLD Assessment Training and Practice. It is a standard-setting group concerned with the diagnostic assessment of specific learning difficulties in an educational setting. The authority for this committee and its remit stem from the SpLD Working Group 2005/DfES Guidelines. The committee seeks to extend the principles of good practice contained in the Guidelines across all age ranges and throughout the profession. The committee deals with procedures for issuing Practising Certificates, including setting guidelines for APL/APE applications, evaluation and approval of training courses for assessors, and guidelines for Continuing Professional Development. The SpLD Assessment Steering Committee will approve courses to award successful individual candidates an SpLD Assessment Practising Certificate. The Committee will also approve other organisations for granting Assessment Practising Certificates. [Top] |
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Our SASC events do not count as
SASC authorised CPD as SASC has a policy to support development of additional
quality training from other providers and does not authorise its own conference
and presentations. |
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